Electronics Engineering Project Ideas for Engineering Students

  • Medicine Reminder using Arduino
It is a mini-project in which we have used an Arduino to design an alarm system that notifies the patient when it is their medicine time. The time is provided by an RTC chip that is connected with the Arduino & it activates the buzzer at the specified time while displaying the message on LCD.
  • Line Following Robot Using Arduino

In this project, we are going to make an automatic robot running on Arduino that follows a line. The line is usually made of a white stripe on the black floor or vice versa. They are mostly used in industry for automation purposes such as packing & sorting etc with additional features.
  • Object Avoiding Robot Using Arduino
In this project, we are proposing a robot that avoids when there is any object in front of it. An ultrasonic sensor (long-range) or infrared sensor (short-range) is placed in front of the vehicle to stop & turn when it detects an object. It can be implemented in automobiles to avoid an accident.
  • Object Following Robot Using Arduino
This project proposes the idea of a robot made from Arduino that follow any object or guide in front of it. The sensors in front detect the object movement and follow it. It can be used in industrial automation & also a personal bag that follows the owner.
  • Automatic Street Light-based upon Vehicle Detection
The idea is to switch on the street light when there is a vehicle on the road to reduce energy consumption. This project uses IR sensors placed on the side of the road to detect the vehicle and send the command to a microcontroller to switch on the light through a relay to illuminate the road ahead.
  • Auto Intensity Control of Street Lights
This project helps in saving energy by maintaining the intensity of the street light according to the road usage hours. The idea is to use an LDR to activate the light at night & an RTC chip for providing real-time which will be used by the microcontroller to maintain light intensity through PWM depending on the time.
  • Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Microcontroller
  • Automatic Railway Gate Controller
In this project, we are going to use a microcontroller to open or close the railway gate based on the position of the train. We are going to use some sensors in two positions to detect whether the train is coming or leaving & close or open the gate respectively using a servo motor.
In this circuit, we are going to count the number of visitors inside a building by counting up or down when a visitor enters or leave respectively. It is done by using two IR sensors in a line to determine the direction of the visitor movement. You can also control the appliance inside the building using the number of available visitors.
  • Programmable Load Shedding Time Management 
It is an automatic load shedding system that switches ON/OFF the power supply at a specific time for a predefined duration. The time is provided by an RTC chip that is connected to the microcontroller that is also displayed with the status of the load shedding.
  • Smooth Start of a Single Phase Induction Motor
An inductor motor suffers damage from a sudden start. In order to avoid such damage, the voltage is gradually increased by varying the firing angle of a TRAIC. A microcontroller is used to vary the firing angle with a zero voltage detector circuit.
  • Health Monitoring System using 7-Segment Display & Atmega Microcontroller
The idea behind this project is to use a microcontroller to implement a health monitoring system that measures & displays the temperature & heart rate of the patient using a 7 segment display. If the heartbeat or temperature falls in abnormal limits the microcontroller will sound the alarm
  • Ultrasonic Object Detection System
It is a mini fun object that operates as a REDAR to detect any object in its range. A servo motor is used to rotate the Ultrasonic sensor that senses the objects & measure their distance from radar & display it on an LCD.
  • FM Remote Encoder/Decoder Circuit
The idea is to make an FM remote to communicate with the receiver circuit. The Transmitter is made of an FM encoder & a transmitter module while the receiver is made of an FM decoder & receiver module. It is used for sending commands between two circuits wirelessly.
  • PC Based Electrical Load Control
The idea is to use serial communication between a PC & microcontroller to switch the appliances using relays. It provides easy access to switch appliances from your PC terminal.
  • Thyristor Power Control by IR Remote
The aim of this project is to wirelessly control the duty cycle of any appliance by varying the firing angle of the TRIAC through a microcontroller. A TV remote is used for wireless control which increases or decreases the firing angle delay
  • Auto Electronic School Bell
This is a mini electronic school bell project that rings the bell when the period time is over. It uses timer IC with a decade counter to count time for the preset time of the period. when the period time runs out it the timer switches the bell through a relay that is powered from the AC mains.
  • Automated Street Lighting System using IoT
This is an IoT based project where the street light is switch on based on the intensity of sunlight. It automatically switches on the light at night & provides the visual data analysis by uploading the data through the Wi-Fi module.

Battery status Indicator using Arduino
In this project, the Arduino is able to measure the voltage of the battery which should be scaled down to its measurable limit. Based on the battery voltage, the Arduino will display the status using an LCD or through LEDs. When the voltage levels decrease down from 40% the Arduino will activate a buzzer as a warning for low battery.

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