Diode Symbols – Electronic and Electrical Symbols

Generic DiodeDiode Symbols
This symbol represents a generic diode or a rectifier diode. It is an electronic component made of semiconductor that allow current flow in one direction and block it in reverse direction.
Zener DiodeZener Diode Symbols
Zener diode is a type of diode that allows the flow of current in forward direction as well as reverse direction but when the reverse voltage reaches the breakdown voltage known as
 Zener voltage.
Schottky DiodeSchottky Diode Symbol
This type of diode made from of a small junction between an N-type semiconductor and a metal. It has no P-N junction like normal diodes. Due to which, it has very low forward voltage drop and fast switching because there is no capacitive junction (P-N junction).
Backward DiodeBackward diode Symbol
It is a type of diode that operates as a tunnel diode in forward bias & zener diode in reverse bias. but its tunneling effect & zener breakdown voltages are much reduced. It is used in rectification of a small voltage signal (0.1 to 0.6v).
Tunnel DiodeTunnel Diode Symbol
This type of diode is made from heavily doped P & N semiconductor that works on the principle of the tunneling effect. Tunneling is the phenomenon of escaping electrons between the PN junction due to heavy doping. Tunnel diode has a negative resistance region where the current decrease with increase in voltage & they are operated in this region.
PIN DiodePIN Diode Symbol
It is a three-layer diode where PIN stands for  P-layer, I-layer & N-layer. The ‘I‘ intrinsic semiconductor layer is placed between heavily doped P and an N-type semiconductor. The I layer blocks high voltage in reverse bias. Due to poor reverse recovery time, they are not used in high frequency applications.
LED – Light Emitting DiodeLED Light Emitting Diode Symbol
LED (Light emitting diode) is a type of P-N junction diode that emits light when configured in forward bias. It converts electrical energy into light energy & the color of the light depends on the energy gap of the semiconductor.
LED Bi-colorLED Bicolor Symbol
It is a type of LED that has two different colors of LEDs connected in antiparallel inside single package. It can emit two different colors depending on its polarity. Changing the direction of current activates the LED with another color.
Photo DiodePhoto diode Symbol
A photo diode converts light energy into electrical energy. When light hits the P-N Junction it creates an electron-hole pair which flows out as electrical current. this symbol represent a photo diode.
Bi-directional Photo DiodeBi-directional photo diode Symbol

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