What Is Boolean Logic?
Boolean logic refers to the form of algebra where the variables have only 2 unique values i.e. TRUE or FALSE. These values are often used as 1 or 0 in binary language or High and low logic respectively.
Boolean Function
A Boolean function is a logical operation of one or more than one variables whose resultant is a single binary bit. It can only be either TRUE or FALSE. Boolean functions are based on boolean logic.
What is a Digital Logic Gate?
A digital logic gate is an electronic component which implements a Boolean function. these logic gates may have two or more than two binary inputs and provides a single binary output. Some of these basic logic gates are given below
Applications Of Digital Logic Gates
The applications of logic gates are unlimited because its applications depend on its truth table where numerous combinations of logic gates combine together to form a specific logic circuit that either be combinational logic or sequential logic.
The logic gate combines together to form the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) which can perform the arithmetic & logic operations.ALU is used in every digital computational system such as a calculator, computer, cell phone etc.